Sunday, May 3, 2009

14 Hours and one Bubble Tea Later

Free wi-fi and a 3 hour layover seemed a perfect reason to give a bit of an update. I just departed a 14 hour flight and am currently enjoy HKK's beautiful spotless airport. And with all my planning and packing I neglected to realize a very exciting fact. Hong Kong's airport is filled with places that serve bubble tea. So on that happy note I list some other "real time facts" from my trip so far:
Number of empty seats next to me on the plane:1
Numbers of hours slept on plane: 6.5 (this is great)
Numbers of Movies watched : 1- The Reader, a great film, but probably not the best choice as there was a young boy sitting diagonally behind me.
Numbers of TV Shows Watched: 2 (5 episodes of 30 Rock and 2 of Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Numbers of Sections of the NYTimes Read: 1 (The Week in Review)
Number of times Nicholas Kristoff proved he is my hero (today): 1 This is a great piece and fits into my next fact-
Number of surgical masks spotted: Countless, the fear of swine flu pandemic seems to have caught hold here!
Numbers of books read from the 6 I carried on with me: Zero (to many other options)
Number of bubble teas consumed: 1 (and counting)
Perhaps the most exciting part of this trip so far is that I seem to have gained some "travel creed". Last time I did this trip I was certainly the lost looking girl, unsure which documents to present and thrown off guard by the different flight options etc. This time I had to flight partners approach me to ask advice about Hong Kong, including one law student, who as it turns out will be continuing on to Burma. Happily I was able to provide him ALL the information I had on travelling there.
It doesn't quite feel like I am on the other side of the world. So far I've checked my email and facebook and discovered that my phone does seem to work over here (*note* blackberry users). I have about another hour till my flight, I might take this time to stretch a bit, a search out some more bubble tea. Happy Monday Everyone!!!

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