Sunday, September 5, 2010

AA by the Numbers

I wrote the last post a few days ago and I still have a few more minutes to kill of free internet so here are some fast facts about my life in Addis.

# of days here:16
# of times I've been caught in the rain: 1
# of times the currency conversion has changed:1. In my favor, and by 17%. Things are even cheaper than before, though this will probably be very bad for the economy.
# of marriage proposals I've received walking down the street: too many to count
# of days till Paul gets here: 3, hopefully putting a stop to the street side proposals and cat calls
# of international NGOs I pass on the way to work at my International NGO: at least 10
# of children adopted: zero (so far)
# of puppies adopted:zero, though I came real close today
# of kilometers I ran this morning: 5. The gyms are filled with runners, many who must by Olympians! It gets me competitive!
# of times I've gotten lost: Just twice. I am not sure if this means I have a great sense of direction, or I just haven't been exploring enough
# of cups of coffee I now drink a day. At least one, usually 2, during the week! I've never been a coffee drinking, and several of you have stayed over my apt. complaining about my lack of coffee. But the coffee here is so good (and so strong) that I just can't turn it down. I am trying my best to not drink it in the morning, to avoid an addiction. I've cracked several times, and am also fearful I've developed a 2:30 addiction
# of field visits: 0, but a few are in the works
# of times I've moved :1, and another one is is store when Paul gets here
# of times I've gotten belly sick :0, the DC burgers clearly prepared my stomach!

There are surely more numbers but thats it for now.

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