While it still hasn't hit me that I will really be leaving NY in a few short days, I have begun reflecting on all the things I will miss about this incredible city. As many of you know (and some probably share) I have an un-dying love hate relationship with this city. Having been born and spent the early years of my life here, until my parents selfishly dragged me to the suburbs (though I suppose my amazing little sister was a fair trade-off), no city will ever compare! As any of you who have ever lived in another city with me know, there are countless things this city offers that nothing else does. Without further ado, what I'll miss most about New York!
Accessibility- No city in the world has as much to offer, and its all so easy to get to. There are about 10 sushi places within a two block radius, and I don't even really live in a residential area! Ditto for movie theaters, bars and pretty much everything else!
Movies- This city gets them first, and has more places to see them! The downside of course being that its 12 dollars a ticket! More movies to see, less money to see them!
Bagels- Anyone whose ever lived anywhere else with me knows I refuse to eat a bagel anywhere else! Its just bound to be a disappointment!
NY Accents- Ok, that is not really accurate. Its not so much that I will miss the sound of NY accents, in that my seems to blend in much better when there are others around. My mis-pronunciation of words like "forgot" and "call" seem to be much more susceptible to others mockery in other cities.
Food- I'm not even a foodie, but I will miss all the top dining options (at least during restaurant week), and eclectic cuisines from all over the world. The upshot is, in a week I'll be eating Khao Soy, Mohinga, La Pe do and all my other favorite Thai and Burmese foods!
Central Park- Some of the greatest people watching in the world (or dog watching as me and Ja prefer), the best place to go running (if you an avoid the bikers) and as cliche as it is, the best picnic spot in NY!
Yoga- Yes, I know I can practice in Thailand, and I am sure I'll find a studio in Baltimore (if anyone has any suggestions please give a shout out), but I can't imagine any place being as welcoming and loving as Laughing Lotus! I will miss all the great teachers and amazing friends I have there, as well as the great vibe I feel whenever I walk in the door!
Bookstores- Everywhere! While a decline in the number of nearby bookstores will be good on my wallet, I will miss the ability to wonder the city and come across a non- corporate book shop!
Coffee and tea shops!- Same as above, plus free wi-fi!
Walking- There are a few other cities in the world that have the same amazing public transportation that NYC offers. Sadly, this means in a few short months, I will probably be back behind the wheel of a car....watch out! (sorry environment)
Lost- Yes, I know I will be able to find it online, and probably buy the whole season on dvd in about 3 weeks, but I made a promise to save the last 2 episodes for a bit longer, and I'm only as good as my word! Losties that are reading this....NO SPOILERS!!!
My Apartment- I am sitting on my balcony as I write this, taking in the end of a beautiful sunset. Yes, I would be able to see more if it weren't for the post office, and yes, there's not much else here, but I really will miss this place! I'm near almost every subway line, I had a 7 minute walk to work, and the most AMAZING roommate!!!
Music- I realize there is music in other places, but I also know some of what I am missing this summer, most notably PHISH (at Jones Beach!!!) and Eddie Vedder! I'm sure there is more, but I don't want to know, so don't tell me!
Features in TV and Movies- I know it is silly, but I still get excited when I recognize a place in any of the countless movies and TV shows featured in NY. I guess I'll have the wire next year, but somehow I don't think that will be the same.........
Culture- Ok, so this isn't really true. I am one of those horrible people who never takes advantage of all the museums, theatre, etc this city has to offer, unless a friend from out of town drags me. That being said, I felt like I had to add that, because, hell, it is NY!!
The Daily Show- I'll miss my regular news update during the next 3 months! Plus, there's something nice about knowing Jon Stewart is in the same city as me!
My Family- Yes, I complain (especially about Long Island) but I have loved that they are this close. And its nice knowing no matter what else is going on, I get unconditional love from Tigger!
Things I won't miss:
Time Square- I hope I don't need to explain this!
Pigeons- I hate all birds, but these "rats with wings" are the worst!
Cost of Living- I've spent more during certain weekends than my current living stipend! I look forward to 20 baht dinners (aprox 50 cents) and 200 baht movies (about 5 dollars). Judging by the lovely apartment I put a deposit down on in Baltimore, that won't be to bad either!
Murray Hill- If you don't get this one, go to YouTube and search "Murray Hill" No offense to those of you who live there , but I'm sticking by this one!
One more thing........
The most important thing of all! I will miss all my family and friends who live here!!!! :) Please, please, please stay in touch!
Backstreet Beauty EP!!!
14 years ago